Create out‑of‑this‑world resumés
Choose from amazing modern designs

Build a resumé in under 10 minutes, you can copy in your old resumé or start from scratch. It's flexible, fast and easy-to-use. Best of all it is FREE!
Create your FREE Resumé Now

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ZYGADOC Elements

Core elements of the evolved resumé
We styled every aspect of the ZYGADOC so you can produce the best looking, most performant CV in the Universe. We wanted to make it easy to update your resumé and keep it up to date. Besides the numerous basic chunks and elements, we have also created portfolio and video chunks that simply cannot be achieved with a traditional resumé. All these items will help you take your career to the next level.
Create your FREE CV Now
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The evolved resumé in action!

Message from our CEO

Your personal brand is your value and you can’t afford it to be anything less than remarkable.

Early industrial revolutions viewed individuals as expendable robotic workhorses and now we live in an age where you, the individual, are positioned at the centre of the universe. The power balance has shifted. Your unique value has put all the power in your hands. You’re the one in charge. And the fact of the matter is, your personal brand is advertising something that is one-of-a-kind and uniquely valuable.

Don’t let your resumé let you down! After all, there is nothing quite like you.

ZYGADOC ATS Complian Sample Resumé CV Page 2ZYGADOC ATS Complian Sample Resumé CV Page 1

Best Resumés in the Universe

When we invented the ZYGADOC we believe we created the best resumé designer out there! It is specially optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), often the gatekeeper that decides if a human being even sets eyes on your CV. Make sure you have a truly ATS compliant resumé - most PDF files can't be read by an ATS!
Create your ATS Compliant CV Now

21st century compliant

With the ability to download your ZYGADOC as an ATS compliant resumé in addition to innovative functionality that allows for media integration, your application is guaranteed to kick ass and turn heads!

Friendly and functional

Unlike other painful expensive resumé platforms on the internet, you can use this completely free and export your evolved resumé as a PDF, Word DOC, or even host it online.

Unfair advantage

Absolutely! The ZYGADOC resumé coach is a first of its kind and enables you to unlock context sensitive tips which make themselves available as you’re filling out certain sections of a resumé.

ZYGADOC for the gig ecconomy

Empowering software

ZYGADOC has been developed and refined over years. Along with fluidic drag and drop technology, it now enables you to instantaneously switch layouts and change colour themes.

Better career management

The online nature of the ZYGADOC tool means you can access and update your resumés from anywhere and from any device. Not only this, manage and save all your resumé versions in one spot!

Fluidic Design

Use fluidic design to create a fully responsive resumé that magically changes size adjusting to the design choices you make, automatically fitting your content into your desired layout.

Our Partners

ZYGAVERSE is proudly associated with organisations dedicated to helping graduates & job seekers!

Sarah Tamsil
Vroom Vroom Recruitment
BH Futures Foundation
Preston & Blythe
Resumés Done Right
La Trobe University
General Assembly
Finders Keeper
Campus Consulting
Getting Ahead
Career Pivots
InFocus Careers
The Career Box
The Perfect Resumé
Better Link Group
Accounting Students Association

Trusted by more than 1,000 People

The ZYGADOC (evolved resumé) has helped countless people land a job interview and secure a job, let us help you too.
Used by psychologists, real estate agents, scientists, trainers, actors, tradesman & more!

Want to get hired by top organizations?

Harvard Logo
Tesla Logo
Microsoft Logo
Standford Logo
Vodafone Logo

Importance of personal brand

Personal Brandology provides a personal branding framework that allows you to capitalise on every element of your personal brand. In the 21st-century world of work your personal brand is your value and you can’t afford it to be anything less than remarkable. Learn more…

Personal Brandology Book Cover
Personal Brandology Book Back Cover